Gallup researchers have studied human behaviour and strengths for decades. They discovered that building employees' strengths are a far more effective approach than a fixation on weaknesses.
A strengths-based culture is one in which employees:
- learn their roles more quickly
- produce more and significantly better work
- stay with their company longer
- are more engaged.
In the current study, a vast majority (67%) of employees who strongly agree that their manager focuses on their strengths and poor positive characteristics are engaged, compared with 31% of employees who strongly agree that their manager focuses on their weaknesses.
When managers help employees grow and develop their strengths, they are more than twice as likely to engage their team members. The most powerful benefit a manager can provide his or her employees is to place them in jobs that allow them to use the best of their natural talents, adding skills and knowledge to develop and apply their strengths.
Leadership is about behaviour, regardless of a person’s title or where they fall in the company hierarchy. As organizations face new and unfamiliar challenges, success depends on increasing the frequency of leadership performance from individuals and teams across the organization to ensure that the organization can deploy the right leadership at the right moment for the right context. So instead of redefining criteria and isolating a small group of “stars,” the challenge is to understand and unleash the largest source of potential: The entire workforce.
We take a holistic view of potential — beyond simply identifying leadership potential among individuals. Instead, we aim to surface, activate, and accelerate potential in every individual, within teams, and across the full force of your organization.
Our leadership ladder provides the framework and process to develop and support the leaders in your organization from first-level managers to CEO.