In the age of the quantified self, technology is helping deliver insights on what we are doing and how well we are doing it. Fitbits and health and fitness apps help motivate us and track our progress. And there are even DNA kits like 23 and Me that report on what makes us uniquely who we are…and enticingly, offer a peek not only at the genealogy of our past but into the future of how our chromosomal pairings may impact our future health and lifestyle options.
It surfaces a powerful philosophical question:
If you could see into the future, would you change the course of what you are doing today?
When it comes to careers, Gallup research points to a resounding “yes.”
- seven out of ten working adults believe they are in the wrong job
- One out of those dissatisfied seven thinks that they are in career hell.
What if, like your chromosomal DNA can predict your future health, you could analyze your unique performance make-up and career interests (let’s call it your performance DNA) to predict your potential success across 500 of the most sought-after job roles?
That is a vision Dr. Larry Cash pursued vigorously for most of his career. And the short answer is: yes, we can predict your career success. And it can be done with up to 85% accuracy.
Human behaviour is as unique as fingerprints
In graduate school, Cash was struck by the vast imbalance between what we knew about chemical behaviours via the periodic table of 115 natural elements and the paltry little we knew about human behaviours, captured with just five personality factors: openness to experience, extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and neuroticism.
Indeed, much business has been made from looking at the inter-relations of those five human factors, including well-known personality assessments like Hogan and Myers-Briggs that can aid in team awareness and collaboration by grouping people into personality types.
But for nearly 100 years, behavioural psychologists and business people alike have pondered how such human factors could be used to predict job success or failure. Indeed, if we could crack the DNA code for predicting career success and passion for work, it would have a broad impact on not just individuals or businesses, but, over time, could radically change the global Gross Domestic Product.
Here’s the challenge: like chemical elements, people’s behaviours are complex, diverse and individualized. With just five characteristics, we only have 120 different variations of personality types. An accurate gauge of human behaviour requires much more granularity, teasing out fundamental distinctions. If no one else in the world has the same thumbprint as you, what are the odds that there only 120 types of personalities in the world?
The Power of 85 - Performance DNA
So Dr. Cash set out to round out the picture of human behaviours. After a close analysis of all the variants identified across every psychological assessment, he could find. Dr. Cash netted out a list of 85 statistically distinct performance traits. To become meaningful regarding predicting career success, he then grouped behaviours by:
- problem-solving
- work habits
- motivation
- self-awareness
- human relations
- coping strategies
- lifestyle priorities
- vocational incentives
The number of combinations of these is astronomical—even more so than DNA.
Cash designed the SuccessFinder solution to measure—in one test— the full 85 performance propensities and 35 career themes. An individual’s answers across the 125 scales, presented in multiple combinations can predict success against over 500 job roles currently benchmarked. Benchmarks are created from the behaviours of the leading professionals worldwide in each role. Over the years, Cash developed 2,000 job role benchmarks, but changing business needs have required adapting, adding or obsoleting roles over time.
Our Best Fit Staffing video (4 minutes) explains the science behind our assessment.
Insights About Your Performance DNA To Advance Your Career
We are incredibly passionate about performance DNA and the impact this scientific insight can have on you. Using SuccessFinder, you can discover your performance strengths and challenges.
In a given role, the high-performers have a common subset of performance traits. Our talent analytics compares your talent stack — performance traits and competencies — with high performers. We show you how to leverage your unique talents to achieve career satisfaction and success.
Focus on your strengths and manage your challenges. You complete the assessment online, we then provide you report and personal feedback via video call. We offer the service worldwide. We’d love to hear from you!