This of career development as a journey. Your career development plan is to get you to the next milestone on your journey. SuccessFinder Career Development leads to career success and satisfaction. We encourage you to review your plan annually and adjust as needed. You need to make your way around our cycle annually.
SuccessFinder Career Development Steps
Identify your dream
- Self-reflection
- Read biographies
- Study role models
- Experiment
Identify your strengths & challenges
- List your strengths
- Performance Review
- SuccessFinder Assessment
- Test Results
Research career options
- Explore online resources; we have two on our Student page
- Look for the job on Workopolis, Monster, Canada Job Bank
- Gather labour market information
- Attend a conference — most have great rates for a student
Talk with successful practitioners
- Use the network of your parent, relatives, teachers, coach
- Cold call, most professionals will spare some to help out a student
Develop the required new skills
- Identify a specific job that uses your strengths
- Find out what the skills you are missing for the next step, online job posting boards are a good place to look
- Determine to best to get them—online, courses, self-study, volunteering, etc.
Link your education and career
- Focus on the competencies you have acquired i.e. problem-solving skills
Learn about yourself
- Self-reflection
- Approach all sorts of people for balanced feedback — What are some things that I did well? What are some things I could have done differently or better?
- Am I where I want to be?
- Where else could I use my strengths?
SuccessFinder career development is unlike other assessment approaches. We offer a single tool that can be used across the organization: for all roles and levels and at every stage in the employee life cycle. We help people discover their performance strengths and suggesting roles that optimize their potential. Our talent analytics are essential to an effective career development plan. SuccessFinder offers a predictor of success in any role.
In addition, SuccessFinder is only career assessment tool committed to meeting the rigorous APA C1 standard based on its validity for decision-making.
We offer an employee career development plan and a personal development plan.